Friday the 24.06.2022 we took the Cessna for a flight to Stade and further to Norderney.
The weather look bit unstable for the weekend but we still tried our luck.
we packed all our gear in the Plane and refueled to the top. at 1600 we took off at Egelsbach runway 26 outbound Tango exit heading North. we climbed to 3500ft and enjoyed a smooth flight until Hannover. between Hannover and Bremen where a Thunderstorm so we had to decent to 2000ft and detoured to the east. but reached Stade with just 10 minutes delay. we went for groceries with Simon and had Pizza for Dinner. Late the evening we started to set up our tent when we realized the rods where missing... Simon and i went to Kaufland where i luckily got a small tent for the two nights.
the weather for our sunrise flight above hamburg looked pretty bad for the next morning so we decided not to fly and had some beers.
on Saturday Morning we had early Breakfast there after Simon and i flow to Uetersen for Refueling. At 1000 local time Janina and i Took off to Norderney. we had a beautiful flight along the coast. first thing we did on the island we walked to the campground and set up our tent. afterwards we had a walk to the beach and stayed for a bit. last thing in the evening we had a shower at the campground and dinner in a nice small restaurant down the road.
On Sunday morning we paked everithing up and loaded the plane. after we walked the 6 km in to town where we had breakfast and stayed for a bit on the beach. at around midday we took the bus back to the Airfield. we paid the landing fees and checked the plane. at 1400 we took off from Norderney and climbed to 4500ft. due to high clouds we had a smooth flight back to Egelsbach.